

Hauora Health and the focus of learning and teaching is paramount to what we do at Te Kura o Te Teko.  The method and process of sharing knowledge with our students should be managed and developed by our board, staff, whanau, hapū and iwi.  In 2022 the kura is responsible for updating all areas that involve Hauora in our kura - it's teaching, learning, management and governance.  Therefore we need input and feedback from all parties involved to ensure that the area of Health is managed and taught, that guarantees all students can expect the best possible environment, which promotes and encourages hauora in all areas of student learning.

At Te Kura o Te Teko, we are committed to producing healthy students through healthy lifestyles and habits.  

We have several health promotion programmes that operate throughout the kura, and have managed to secure programmes that will ensure our students get the best opportunites.  These include:

He oranga ngākau, he pikinga waiora.

In health and physical education, the focus is on the well-being of the students themselves, of other people, and of society through learning in health-related and movement contexts.

Four underlying and interdependent concepts are at the heart of this learning area:

  • Hauora1 – a Māori philosophy of well-being that includes the dimensions taha wairua, taha hinengaro, taha tinana, and taha whānau, each one influencing and supporting the others.
  • Attitudes and values – a positive, responsible attitude on the part of students to their own well-being; respect, care, and concern for other people and the environment; and a sense of social justice.
  • The socio-ecological perspective – a way of viewing and understanding the interrelationships that exist between the individual, others, and society.
  • Health promotion – a process that helps to develop and maintain supportive physical and emotional environments and that involves students in personal and collective action.

Free Healthy Lunches for Kura

In Term 4 we will start our lunch programme that will be supplied and operated by Lunch by Libelle.  The kura is really excited to participate, which will ensure that our tamariki will have access to lovely kai for lunch.  

This doesn't impact on parent/whānau choice to keep preparing little snacks or made lunch for their tamariki, it just means that our students have choice in what they eat.

Fruit in Schools

Children receive fresh quality fruit of the season every week.  Two weekly deliveries arrive via courier and students are distributed their supplies each Monday and Wednesday.

Breakfast in Schools

This programme is kindly sponsored by Sanitarium and Tip Top and the students receive regular breakfast foods such as bread for toast, spreads and weetbix.


KidsCan provides healthy snacks such as nut bars and fruit salad pots.  In addition they also supply a set of raincoats, shoes and socks, with the belief that a sheltered and well nutritioned child is a better learner.


The Orchard

The kura has been working for quite some time to create their own orchard.  In Term 2 of 2012, the students, teachers, local Kohanga Reo and some of our parents and whanau got to open our orchard site with karakia from our koroua.  The first fruit tree was planted and many more followed shortly after.

Since that time, the kura has erected the greenhouse for growing our own seedlings, and also built raised gardens for every classroom so that the students have a part in growing vegetables and plants.

Staff are leading this project.  Our focus for the orchard and our new gardens is to increasingly become independent in producing annual fruit for student consumption, and also to gradually become a "Zero Waste" school.

If you are interested in what we do in this area, please contact Whaea Kiri at the kura.

We're asking all parents, caregivers, kuia & koroua of our students to complete the following survey.  This will assist us in planning future kaupapa around Hauora Health at our kura:

Te Kura o Te Teko Community Health Survey

Te Kura o Te Teko Community Health Survey
It is a Ministry of Education requirement that schools consult with their communities every two years on their Health programmes.  Health and Physical Education is split into seven key areas of learning – mental health, sexuality education, (for Year 7 + 8 students and is focused on pubertal change), food and nutrition, body care and physical safety, physical activity, sport studies, and outdoor education. 
We would appreciate your feedback by completing the following questions. Ngā mihi.

Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Jones and Cole Electrical EastPack Edgecumbe Canine & Co Putauaki Trust Oravida Waters Ltd
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