He mihi nā Te Kura o Te Teko


He Tauparapara nā Noki Te Poono Hai Mihi mā Te Kura o Te Teko


E noho ana au i te whatitoka o tōku whare a Te Ao Hou

Ka titiro ki te awa kōrero ō Rangitaiki

Ka rere arorangi au ki uta rā

Ko Waiparapara, ko Tuariki, ko Te Wairereahiahi ko Te Tāwera

Kia tau iho ki runga i te tihi o Putauaki

ki te kanohi titiro ō Ngāti Awa

E hāngai tonu taku hāere ki te riu o Kawerau

Mihi iho ana ki ngā tīpuna whare ki a Te Aotahi, ko Tama Tohutohu

Ko Te Rautahi, te kete poutama o Tūwharetoa

Neke whakararo atu ki te take rā o te maunga o Tūkoiro

kai raro ko Tohia-o-te-rangi

Ko ngā tīpuna whare, ko Waitaha-ariki-kore me Hine-te-ariki

Ko Te Ōmeka e

Kātahi koe ka porotiti kia whiti atu i te awa ki Hahuru ko Hinemotu

Whakamau tonu tō rere kia tae atu ki Whakapaukōrero

Kai raro ko Umutahi, ko Te Rama Apakura

te pūtake tipuna Rangiaohia ki a Rakauheketara Ko Ngāti Rangitihi

Huri tō kanohi ki te wahapū ō Tarawera ki Te Awa o Te Atua

Ki Oniao te tipuna whare ki a Tūwharetoa

e tū mokemoke ana

Hoki kōmuri mai tō hāere kia tae ki ngā pakitara ō Hākai-atua ki Kōkōhīnau

Tau rawa iho ki runga ō te maihi Ō’Ruataupare ko Waipunaarangi

me Te Ngawari ō Rangimuaiho, ko Te Pahīpoto e

Kātahi ka porotiti kia tae atu ki Hekerangi

Kai te taha whakaroto ko ngā tīpuna whare ko Uiraroa, Hinerauhuia, ko Tauwhitu - Ngāi Tamawera

Kai waho iti mai ko Tūteao, Te Whakaruru-mai-o-te-rangi ki a Ngā Maihi

Kai tua iti atu ko Ruaihona, ko Mahanga-i-te-rangi

Ko Ngāi Tamaoki, Ngāti Tarāwhai

Ka rere ake ki Te Māpou

Ko te nohoanga ō te ihi, o te mana, o te tapū, o Ngāti Hamua

Ko Putauaki te maunga, ko Rangitāiki te awa

Ko Ngāti Awa te iwi, ko Mataatua te waka

Ko Rongotangiawa te whare tipuna, ko Te Kiriwera hana te wharekai

Ko Te Rāhui te papa

Te Haahi Te Kooti Rikirangi te whakapono,

Ko Ngāti Awa ki Whakatāne, ko Ngāti Awa ki Rangitaiki

Ko Ngāti Awa ki Te Awa o te Atua

Tihei Mauri Ora!

Koinei te tauparapara i homaihia e te koroua a Noki Te Poono i te tau 2003, kia tohua atu ai ngā marae me ngā hapū ō Ngāti Awa ki Rangitaiki.  He koroua kaha ki te hāpai i ngā mahi katoa ā tēnei kura, ki te hari hoki i ngā karakia o te Haahi Ringatū i roto o te kura, i a ia e ora ana.  E koro, hoki wairua mai ki te āwhina i a mātau ngā mokopuna o te kura nei hei hikoi i ngā tapuwae ā kui mā, a koro mā, hei taka anō hoki i te ara e anga ai ki mua.  E kore rawa mātau e warewaretia



Te Whakataukī ā Kura

Tauaki te Tū

"Stand tall like our mountain"

Putauaki is the maunga that in the cultural sense, our local iwi and community refer to, when placing themselves in their world. Te Teko township sits approximately 12kms from the mountain, and in local history, is said to be the mountain which stored the remains of our ancestors.

The phrase "Tauaki te Tū" was given credence as recently as 2013, when an esteemed kapa haka tutor and member of our iwi, coined the phrase as a discipline for students to adhere in their stance during haka. It has since become a local terminology that students and community alike have familiarised with the manner to which one portrays pride, strength and attitude.

In our school setting, it can be used as the platform or foundation from which students needs are developed and supported, providing the basis of their learning journey, that ensures students are empowered in the knowledge of their cultural identity, belonging and the sense of tūrangawaewae - their place in the world.

Tamariki are immersed in a safe and caring learning environment; entrenched and empowered with knowledge, to ensure that they are proficient in te reo Māori a-iwi o Ngāti Awa ki Rangitaiki and English language, that supports and provides a firm learning and cultural foundation for their continued life journey.

Taiki te Rere

"Be guided like the current of our river"

Rangitaiki is the river that flows through the township of Te Teko, and in cultural recognition, are the waters that hold dearly to the hearts and minds of the Te Teko community. It is the water that local iwi associate with the gathering of fresh food, bathing and recreational swimming, sport, cultural ritual and nourishment.

The Rangitaiki river is believed to begin its journey from a fresh water spring located at Huka falls, where it gradually descends and flows through several townships and areas along the way. It travels a varied and lengthy path, full of rapids and stops, streams and stopways. Although this is so, the strength and determination of the Rangitaiki ensures that its' path eventually leads it to the outlet known as Ōkōrero or Thornton.

In our school setting, the imagery can be used as the course of which students will aspire to their goals and dreams, that provides the medium and guidance throughout their learning journey, to ensure that students are motivated with te aratika - the sense of direction.

Tamariki are provided the knowledge, skills and tools to prepare and achieve on their life journey, in their chosen career pathway in the world and beyond. We are committed to guiding and facilitating students in their educational inquiry, to ensure that their aspirations and future dreams are pursued.

Ōkōrero kia Mau

"Confident and true like the tides of Ōkōrero"

Ōkōrero - or more commonly known as Thornton - is the outlet or area from which the Rangitaiki river flows out into the sea at Te Moananui-a-Toi. To the people of Te Teko and Ngāti Awa ki Rangitaiki, it is the meeting place - in days of old - of the chiefs and people of high rank, who gathered there to discuss issues of allegiance, welfare, political consensus and warfare - hence it's name which means "the place of discussion"

Ōkōrero is situated approximately 18kms from Te Teko, and people of the local iwi acknowledge the area with respect and reverance.

As the river of Rangitaiki gradually and deliberately travels the challenging path towards Ōkōrero, once it is released unto the sea, the potential of the combining waters increases and changes, to allow for acceptance and another journey to begin.

In our school setting, the imagery of Ōkōrero can be used as the potential pathway for which students develop and prepare on their life journey, providing opportunities to explore, inquire and investigate in pursuit of excellence and achievement, that enhances their ability to reach prospective opportunities in all future aspirations and opportunities, within Aotearoa - stretching forth into te ao hurihuri, the world and beyond.

Te Whakataukī a-Kura o Te Teko

In a conceptual sense, our kura whakataukī - or proverb - can be seen as the journey in which a student at our kura begins and ends; from the mountain that depicts their stance in life, to the ever-gradual but steady flow of the waters of Rangitaiki. The current of which guides and facilitates a students' journey through educational life - creating necessary learning pathways that enable a student to manage life with the appropriate skills and experiences. Once this journey nears its end, it is released and therefore joined with the sea at Ōkōrero; the ideological portrayal of the road ahead. In knowing that the sea has many dangers, challenges and opportunities, Ōkōrero presents the attitude and readiness of a student at Te Kura o Te Teko to facing, accepting and overcoming any issue or obstacle they should face, with confidence, clarity and success.



Tikanga & Kawa


Focus for Learners

  • To enable students to understand and become familiar with tikanga Māori (Māori customs) and Kawa (Māori Lore) that are practised in the local  boundaries of Ngāti Awa ki Rangitaiki
  • To enable students to grasp and understand the importance of tikanga Māori and kawa in customary and traditional practice.

As part of a strong iwi (tribal) community, Te Kura o Te Teko students – through an approach which values and practises aspects of Te Ao Māori that are encouraged at our kura – such as manaakitanga (caring for others), whanaungatanga (collaboration) and mana (strength) – will learn about tikanga ā-iwi (tribal customs) and kawa to help strengthen cultural foundations and identity.

Programme of Learning

  • Students will have regular opportunities to learn and practise tikanga and kawa, as part of their learning programme, during both education in and outside of the classroom accordingly to a various of scenarios and occasions.
  • Meaning learning situations and contexts will be organised and attended accordingly when appropriate.


Assessment and Evaluation

Emphasis should be student use of tikanga and kawa in kura and as part of external excursions to marae or appropriate kaupapa Māori.  All assessment, evaluation and moderation provided at our kura will be executed within the parameters of tikanga and kawenga Māori.

School Organisation

Kaiako will play an equal role in facilitating learning and teaching according to the scenario or context.

Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Jones and Cole Electrical EastPack Edgecumbe Canine & Co Putauaki Trust Oravida Waters Ltd
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