Kō Mātau - About Us


Ko wai mātau? Who are we?

Ko mātau ngā mokopuna ā Te Rangitaiki, e noho iho nei ki Te Teko, ki Kawerau, ki Whakatane, ki ngā waahi pā tata atu i te haukāinga. He kura reo takirua mātau, arā tētahi taha rumaki reo Māori, tētahi taha auraki reo Pākehā; ko ngā tau katoa kai ngā taha e rua mai i te tau 0 ki te tau 8. Ahakoa e rua ngā reo o te kura, ko ngā tikanga me ngā kaupapa katoa i waenga o te kura, he ōrite i runga i te whakaaro - ka noho tahi mātau i tēnei kura.

We are the descendants of Te Rangitaiki that reside in Te Teko, in Kawerau, in Whakatane, in the surrounding areas of our community. Our kura has two languages, a rumaki Māori unit and an auraki English unit; our years of learning in both units consist of years 0 to year 8. Although we have two language separate units in our kura, all tikanga and practices of the kura are the same on the belief - we are one kura.



He aha ngā kaupapa o tēnei kura?

Ko Te Manaakitanga Pryor tēnei e whakamārama ana i ngā āhuatanga o tēnei kura, e whakahuahia hoki i ngā hapū e noho ki ngā pāpāringa o Te Rangitaiki e meahia nei ko Ngāti Awa ki Rangitaiki.

Te Manaakitanga Pryor explaining the varying aspects of Te Kura o Te Teko, and also mentions the people who reside along the banks of The Rangitaiki that are commonly known as Ngāti Awa ki Rangitaiki.

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Jones and Cole Electrical EastPack Edgecumbe Canine & Co Putauaki Trust Oravida Waters Ltd
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