TĀWHA - Te Āhua Whanonga Hai Ako

PB4L - Positive Behaviour for Learning


In 2020, as part of our strategic plan for this year, we've reviewed and updated our behaviour management processes in alignment with TĀWHA or PB4L. It's important that all students, whānau, staff and community share in the management of our plan, that we hope to review and update regularly to ensure that student behavioural and learning needs are catered for throughout their learning journey.


Ngā Uara Kura School Values

TE manaakitanga

  • whakamana to empower
  • whakaute to respect
  • āhuru to comfort
  • purapura tūāwhiti to cherish
  • ako to learn/teach
  • aroha to nurture
  • whakapono to believe
  • manawanui to be mindful

TE tauakitanga

  • mana ōrite equal rights
  • te reo me ōna tikanga language and customs
  • hūmārie humility
  • mana motuhake sovereignty
  • hauora health




  • whakatipuranga generational knowledge
  • angitutanga success
  • mahi tahi collectivity
  • whakawhanaungatanga collaboration
  • whirinaki dependability
  • hītori understanding history



Te Ara TE.TE.KO - The TE.TE.KO Way

The following tikanga are taught and learnt in and out of classrooms at our kura. Kaiako and kaiāwhina are committed to ensuring that all tamariki adhere to the same set of learning experiences throughout their educational journey at Te Kura o Te Teko. Expectations are simple, clear and practiced daily.



As part of our TĀWHA behaviour management strategy "kaupapa whakawhiwhinga reward system" our students are awarded certificates each week for situations where students are seen to demonstrate tikanga ā-kura school practices based around our uara kura school values - TE manaakitanga, TE tauakitanga and KOtahitanga. These acknowledgements are added together where students reap further rewards at Friday hui ā-kura school assembly. 


Ngā Āhuatanga e pā ana ki a TĀWHA Aspects relating to PB4L/Behaviour Management



The following links provide help and support with regard to our behaviour management and how we can all help to make our classrooms and kura the best possible learning environment:


This plays a great part in behaviour issues - when students attendance affects their behaviour through disengagement with their daily learning programmes.

Minor & Major Behaviour

Each of these areas can present their own set of strategies that help create meaningful learning environments, where each student is empowered to manage their learning journey through responsible management of their behaviour.

Attendance Minor Behaviour Major Behaviour
Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Jones and Cole Electrical EastPack Edgecumbe Canine & Co
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